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Overnight Muffies |
It's been several months since I started using cloth pads so I wanted to let you know how it's going. I like it in general, although there are some frustrations. The type of pad really makes a difference comfort-wise. My favorite pads are made by Pleat and they are the Overnight Muffies. I don't just use them overnight - they are longer and I like them better than the daytime ones (Regular Muffies) because they offer more coverage. I also have some pads that I only wear at night because they were a good deal, but not very comfortable. They feel like a diaper, but they do serve a purpose because they are very long and work well for sleeping. If you are looking for a less expensive night time only pad then I will recommend the Mama Moon Pads by Cre8tiveMama, but like I said, I only use them at night because I find them uncomfortable.
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Mama Moon Pads |
Right now I have 8 night time pads, 10 Overnight Muffies, and 5 Regular Muffies. And with the muffies I use a little extender snap that I acquired somehow because they aren't quite wide enough for my underwear. During a typical period, I have to do laundry about halfway through to have enough pads to last and sometimes I still have to supplement with disposable pads. I think if I wanted to get through the whole period without using any disposable pads I would probably buy 10 more Overnight Muffies - just to give you an idea of how many you need to get through a period. I could do more than one load of laundry, but I don't like to waste water, so if I don't have clothes to wash with them, I'm not going to do a load just for pads.
And that brings me to my one issue with these pads. I don't like stains, and gosh darnit I cannot get the stains out of some of these pads! I've tried pre-soaking them in oxyclean water, vinegar water, baking soda water, and nothing has worked to get all the stains out. They aren't horrible, but I wish I could get them out. Also, it seems like they are getting a bit dingy. Is it the way I pre-soak or wash them? Any advice? I wash them with my clothes on a regular cycle with regular unscented detergent and I lay them on a towel to air dry. Should I try another method?
try peroxide. It will get the blood out. that goes for any accidental leaks on your panties.
Doesn't peroxide having a bleaching effect?
You will probably have to overcome your aversion to using too much water first...wash them in a good, expensive wash like Tide or something, making sure you do an extra rinse. The re-wash them using baby detergent...my wife does this with her undergarments.
Have you had any problems with leaks? Can you go as long without changing these pads as you can with disposable ones?
I haven't had any leak problems. And I think they actually last longer than disposable ones between changing.
I'm a little bit in shock right now because someone just left a comment on a post I wrote in February about vaginismus telling me that I should be a nun! http://downtherevaginalpain.blogspot.com/2010/02/book-review-completely-overcome.html
I responded, but I still feel like I don't know how to respond exactly, or that I didn't write my response eloquently enough. Oh well; one person's opinion.
WOW!!!! I am sooooo sorry!!! I don't even know what to say! I am at a loss for words. I can't believe how ignorant and rude people are! Don't let it get you down.
I actually found the blog VERY informative! I am going to order the book today!
Have you tried soaking your pads in really cold water right after using them? That always seems to help me prevent blood from staining.
I did find that soaking them right after use helped with staining--but it got to be too much of a hassle. Now I just buy dark colored pads :)
P, Do you wash them with your regular laundry? Do you air dry or put them in the dryer? Have yours gotten dingy?
Yes, I wash them with my regular laundry, whenever I'm doing a load that can be done with warm water. I put them in the dryer. Yes, they're not near as pretty as they were when I first got them. Still work the same, though! :) I'm all about convenience...
Oh, and I often put a cup of vinegar in with the wash.
Thanks P. I always wash with cold water just to save energy, but maybe warm water is better?
I bought these pantyliners from sewfussy: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/25277188 and I sent her a message asking for some extendor snaps and she sent me some. You could perhas ask the pleat person for snaps - I don't know if she makes them or not.
Thanks! I will ask the pleat person, and if she doesn't, maybe I will just buy some pantyliners from sewfussy and ask her for some extendor snaps. Do you like the pantyliners from sewfussy?
With regards to the stains, using an enzyme product will help with removing them. I usually rinse out in cold water after use, then hand squeeze dry and throw them into a small bucket. The day before I do laundry, I soak all the pads with an enzyme solution made up in warm water. I then empty the throw the whole bucket into the washer and wash normally.
I wash my cloth pads using Dove white and amazingly, the stains go away, I only rub gently, too. If there are stubborn stains, I wash them with Dove, smudge it then close it like a tiny bundle then I soak them overnight with water and some powder detergent. Works best! The morning after I wash it and the stains are all gone.
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